Video message by the Rector of Alma Mater University of Bologna
Video message by the Vice Rector for International Relations of Alma Mater University of Bologna
Scribing Results of WG1 – Fostering collaboration between HEIs and third sector organizations for the benefit of both students and community.
Scribing Results of WG2 – The role of HE in promoting inclusion of disadvantaged categories and reducing inequality
Scribing Results of WG3 – The contribution of HE to promoting democracy and intercultural dialogue.
The contribution of HE to promoting democracy and intercultural dialogue, Pilar Aramburuzabala, University of Madrid – Spain
(WG3 moderator’s slides)
Inclusion in Erasmus+, Harpa Sif Anarsdottir, European Commission, Policy officer, Higher Education Unit, DG EAC
(speaker presentation slides, pdf)
TCA “Fostering Erasmus+ cooperation projects impact and cross-fertilisation on social inclusion and civic engagement”
Next June (from Tuesday, June 25th to Thursday, June 27th) the Italian National Agency INDIRE and the Spanish National Agency SEPIE are organising together with Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna an international seminar on “Fostering Erasmus+ cooperation projects impact and cross-fertilisation on social inclusion and civic engagement“.
The event will be hosted by the University of Bologna and will start with the Conference for the celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Bologna Declaration ( organized by Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, jointly with the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, under the aegis of the Observatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum and the European University Association (EUA).
The fil rouge between the anniversary and the TCA (Transnational Cooperation Activity) lies in the social dimension of Higher Education. The latter is an area now at the top of the EU’s agenda, where further commitment from institutions is essential. Building on transnational cooperation projects will contribute to a stronger and more inclusive EU.
The seminar will benefit from the participation of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education e Knowledge Alliances projects dealing with social inclusion and civic engagement. The aim of the 3-day event is to stimulate cross-fertilization and synergies of ideas among the participating projects.
The event will start on June 25th, with the Bologna Process Conference, where dedicated sessions on the future of Higher Education in Europe will be provided. On June 26th and 27 th participants will be split in 3 sub-thematic Working Groups on:
– Fostering collaboration between HEIs, and enterprises and third sector organizations for the benefit of both students and community;
– HE’s role in promoting inclusion of disadvantaged categories and reducing inequality;
– HE’s contribution to the promotion of democracy and intercultural dialogue
All the information concerning the venue of the event and the accomodation can be found at:
Italian version
Dal 25 al 27 giugno 2019 l’Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ INDIRE organizza, con Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna e l’Agenzia Nazionale spagnola SEPIE, un seminario internazionale/TCA (Transnational Cooperation Activity) sul tema “Fostering Erasmus+ cooperation projects impact and crossfertilization on social inclusion and civic engagement“.
L’evento, ospitato nelle sedi dell’Università di Bologna, avrà inizio con la conferenza dedicata alle celebrazioni per il ventennale del Processo di Bologna (
Il fil rouge tra le celebrazioni del ventennale e la TCA è costituito dalla dimensione sociale dell’Istruzione Superiore, un’area di forte interesse nell’agenda europea, in cui il contributo dei progetti di cooperazione è quanto mai necessario.
Focus della conferenza saranno, in particolare, quei progetti Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education e Knowledge Alliances aventi ad oggetto il tema dell’inclusione sociale e dell’impegno civico, con l’obiettivo di stimolare sinergie e cross-fertilizzazione, in un’ottica di sviluppo in simili od ulteriori contesti.
La giornata del 25 aprirà i lavori con una serie di sessioni di discussione su questioni cruciali per il futuro dell’Istruzione Superiore in Europa. Le due giornate del 26 e del 27 vedranno, invece, i partecipanti organizzati in 3 gruppi di lavoro distinti per sottocategoria tematica:
– Fostering collaboration between HEIs, and enterprises and third sector organizations for the benefit of both students and community;
– HE’s role in promoting inclusion of disadvantaged categories and reducing inequality;
– HE’s contribution to the promotion of democracy and intercultural dialogue
Per accedere al programma dettagliato dell’evento, si prega di cliccare qui:
Tutte le informazioni pratiche e logistiche relative alla sede dell’evento e all’elenco degli hotel disponibili nella zona sono disponibili ai seguenti link:
Antonella Ratti
Uffcio gestionale
Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ Indire