Erasmus+ right at the heart of the Festival d’Europa 2015

Valentina Riboldi Festival d'Europa 2015

Quello che segue un breve report in inglese su uno degli eventi più importante dell’anno per l’Agenzia Erasmus+ Indire: il Festival d’Europa 2015


Every two years Florence hosts a Festival for Europe which takes place in coincidence with the Conference on the State of the Union.The initiative is promoted by the European University Institute in cooperation with Florence City council and the Regional Authority. Erasmusplus National Agency Indire has always been part of the promoters since the first Edition in 2011 (Youth on the Move).
The 2015 Edition of the Festival assigned to Erasmusplus (Indire NA) a preminent role and asked us to organize a big event in the centre of the town.

Erasmusplus was right at the heart of the Festival d’Europa 2015!
The Festival represented an important opportunity for promotion and valorization of the Program.
It was an occasion to strengthen relationship with local and regional authorities, to improve synergies with all the Institutions that work for promoting Europe and, most of all, to bring the richness of Erasmusplus experiences and opportunities to citizens and young people.
The NA initiative for the Festival, “Erasmus+Firenze=Europa”, was conceived as a feast of European mobility. The fulcrum of the event was the Erasmus+ Indire stage set up in Piazza Santa Maria Novella, which hosted videos, concerts, workshops, installations and debates, musical and theatre performances.
From  6th to 9th May, almost 4.000 people visited the stand and attended the performances

The 4 days program included:

  • 16 performances (music, art, theatre)
  • 15 conversations, interviews, stories about European mobility and cooperation
  • A big flash mob with over 200 people pupils and students
  • A 4 days workshop on audiovisual language and social media for upper secondary school pupil which formed a social media team
  • Installations and collective works by the Fine Art Academy of Florence

6th may – Learning has no age and no borders

from 11,00 to 20,00
The Erasmusplus NA Indire opened the Festival with a press conference to present the main events in the four days program of “Erasmus+Firenze=Europa”.
Adult learning represented the focus of the first day with the official national launch of EPALE, in Palazzo Medici Riccardi.

With the slogan Nice to Meet EU, Erasmusplus Indire stage in Piazza Santa Maria Novella hosted the official opening of the Festival with the presence of the Florence deputy mayor and all the Festival promoters.
The square was animated by the exhibition of Bandierai degli Uffizi (Uffizi flag weavers) and by a theatre performance from a Grundtvig project on social integration.
At sunset, we begun our musical journey through Europe with a group of portuguese musicians playing Fado.

7th may – Happy birthday eTwinning!

from 10,00 to 21,00
A whole day dedicated to school and to innovative didactics.
On stage, a dialogue on the importance of the affectivity and emotional learning in education and how European experiences can contribute to face school dropouts (Conversation among the director of the documentary film “ Educazione affettiva”, teachers and upper secondary school pupils).
All day long 8 music performances by tuscan schools with special musical courses and school bands.

In the beautiful scenery of Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 200 yellow and blue balloons were launched into the sky to celebrate eTwinning 10th birthday while a school street band was playing and dancing around the square.
Over 50 pupils aged 8-12 brought the Comenius project CircSchool at the Festival with an amazing performance on how Circus motorial activities could become part of physical education and part of teacher training in school.

Come and meet eTwinning! Our eTwinning NSS held a parallel seminar in a Florentine school to offer teachers and families the opportunity to know about eTwinning.

8th may – Let’s’ move! For learning, for training, for volunteering!

from 10 until 23,30
A day with all the “plus “ of Erasmusplus Program.
All phases of a European learning path were represented in this rich Erasmus+ day at the Festival: on stage performances and moments of dialogue about different experiences and stories from schools to university, from vocational training to European voluntary service.
The 3 Italian National Agencies – Indire, Isfol and Ang were together on the Erasmusplus stage.
With the cooperation of Erasmus Student Network we made upper secondary schools meet Erasmus students with a presentation of the Erasmus in school initiative and official launch of “Life in motion” the documentary realized by ESN with the support of Indire.
On stage in Piazza Santa Maria Novella:

  •  2 theatre performances with pupils from secondary schools brought on stage the richness of European languages and of a Comenius cooperation experience.
  • Vocational training was presented with a performance by a group of trainees who showed live the skills acquired during the mobility experience.
  • Two young volunteers, from Poland and Hungary, were interviewed about their EVS experiences in Florence.
  • Our musical journey went on with Balkanic melodies of “Erasmus duo” and the Italian Killer, a young Florentine rapper (Grundtvig assistant) who wrote a song for the Festival. “Erasmus is megaconnection!
  • Dance floor for Europe

9th may – European expressions

from 9,00 to 23,30
The most exciting moment of the Festival d’Europa 2015 was on the European day. We celebrated this moment with a flash mob “Europe embraces you” that involved over 200 people (school pupils, university students, european Erasmus students, a part of the NA staff and some curious tourists and citizens).
The flash mob was and conceived by the Indire NA staff and organized with the cooperation of Europe Direct Firenze, Accademia europea Firenze, Meet Association and Erasmus Student Network (the plus of the human E+ logo).The photo of the flashmob has reached over 15.000 views on our Fb page
have a look at the video!

In the same day in the Erasmus+ stand and on stage:

  •  bloggers gathered European mobility experiences to transform them in short stories
  • students and teachers of Florence Fine Art academy presented their installations for the Festival: “Message in a bottle” – “Move-ment” – “You+”
  • MeetErasmus. “From audiovisual language to social media” the results of a 4 day workshop with students held by MEET (Movie for European Education and Training is part of a Comenius Regio Partnership).
  • The value of European mobility”A conversation among NA coordinator, ESN board, GaragErasmus, teachers, young people.
  • 3 concerts: Solisax, a quartet from Conservatorio di Musica di Milano composed by Erasmus students – Orchestra giovanile Toscana – Flamenco guitars.
  • Dance floor for Europe